Being joyous playful & wondrous …

To my dear readers , the intention of today’s post is to advocate the benefits of using a light and loving playful approach – in a good portion of all that we do .

☀️The funniest of cakes that flew …. to Chch ✈️

Life brings us situations – sometimes joyous – or not so joyous and sometimes we are faced with moments that can torment us and bring a sense of unease . No matter what the context is when we look at situations lightly , we are more likely to use a gentle and kinder approach – this brings a lot of goodness and calm to our own sense of peace ; it adds more value in the way we connect and form relationships ; playful and joyous are qualities that enriches our lives at a personal social and emotional level .

Kind and gentle – literal & figurative 🌟

Daniel Goleman – “when we focus on others our world expands.” 🌟🍀🎸☀️🎹🌟

When we use a playful and kind approach , we are more likely to draw others toward us – we are also more likely to appear personable – kind and gentle. Using a playful approach therefore is a clever tool towards

1. Creating an inner world that feels safe –

2. Facilitating for co constructive interactions

3. Paving the way towards outcomes that are constructive .

The aforesaid approach comes handy when we have difficult conversations – within our family or with those outside of the family .This manner of engaging in a kind gentle non judgemental approach applies to both children and adults

Playful Leprechaun ❤️

Being mum to two adult sons I have learnt that conversations can be both extremely rewarding and twice as challenging too . Using the playful approach has definitely given me many a win- win moment …. within my personal and professional world.

I have found readings on Dan Hughes”s extensive work on using the PACE approach (Playfulness- Acceptance – Curiosity – Empathy very beneficial in the work that I do …. Using PACE teaches children to relax – engage and enables adults insights to the strengths that lie beneath all that seems and is challenging .

Making music 🎶🎼🎵🎸🥁🎹

Hope you find use in some of today’s insights … have a light and easy week….

“ Be kind whenever possible it is always possible”- Dalai Lama

Wellness ….feel, think and act into your everyday wellness

Kia Ora dear all …. it`s been a rainy day here in Tāmaki Makaurau- Auckland and there is a distinct chill in the winds….I have had a relaxing day and the general tone of today reminded me that I wish to write about the flow between feelings, thinking and actions. In the work that I do , I advocate for people to always identify their feelings- be it happy or not happy. As humans we are constantly feeling varying emotions throughout the day…

That’s my Fern happy light and easy ❤️

Feelings are not a side component of a life well lived – they are essential ways we live as a whole embodied being– Dan Seigel

Learning to identify feelings gives us scope to manage those feelings well. When we are happy we are led into doing things that make us happy .

However when we feel sadness or anger or fear….. there is a tendency to say “I am feeling rather low….. giving the feeling a name allows one to take ownership of the feelings.

Expressions of interest 😎

FEEL: When feeling low – It is essential to give the FEELING a name ….. and acknowledge that FEELING.

Kindness to ourselves ☀️

THINK :take time to accept that feeling and then pace yourself – by taking time to think , engage in BRIEF self talk -as to what is making you feel this way- ask yourself what can be done to make you feel better- When we have “FEELINGS” that trouble us … it is good practice to be mindful and not to be consumed by feelings that sometimes trouble us – at varying times.

Example – I am feeling irritable and wary as I was not able to do all that I wanted to accomplish today . It will be okay – I can make a better plan – “tomorrow is another day”- Always remember to be kind to yourself – and use gentle and kind words when addressing yourself – 🙂

Also check in with your support person , a person you trust and it is always ok to connect to those who bring you to a better place 🙂

Do what makes you kinder happier …. 🌟

The healthy move to adulthood is towards interdependence – not complete “do it yourself” isolation – Dan Seigel

ACT : Be brave and let that feeling GO -it is about being aware of your feelings, naming your feelings- acknowledging this and then letting it go.

🌟Embrace the sparkle of fitness each day 🚲

Treat yourself to engage in an activity that is constructive – kind and engaging.

The framework for my writing today is from Dan Seigel , Bruce Perry and Dr.Bessel – am so grateful for the works of these great minds -High recommend to check in with their work when you do have some time 🙂

The fine balance 😊

Keep well – Be safe – Take care

August Wellness

Greetings to you all – I love the month of August as it kind of paves the way for the beginning of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. I also love the meaning of the word August – which is – respected and impressive and then there`s a subtle ring to it toooo.

So today my fellow readers,I intend to write about the values that come with the concept of mindfulness .As humans vulnerability touches all of us….. we all go through times that are challenging. The values of mindfulness feels like an anchor and keeps us connected to ourselves and takes us through the varying passages of time.

What are the Values- Acceptance , Letting it be / go – leave judgement out of it , Not striving to fix it ,Patience, Trust, Generosity of spirit and Gratitude

How do we put this into practice -lets think of a problem –

Example – I am about to have a meeting or discussion ( it can be with whanau or work related ) that has potential to be tricky – I am worried -or scenario 2- I have a medical appointment – that is likely to be tricky ……or scenario 3- I am in the process of negotiating with someone …… ( that is likely to go any whichway)

Some Wise Options of Practising Values of Mindfulness

Acceptance : Accept the context -the situation -engage in the process

My pic called Grace

Letting it be / go: With conscious acceptance , we begin to let things be / go without the need to be defensive

Flowers in bloom – letting it be resonates so with nature….

Not striving : This is a value that allows us to relax rather than engaging in the need to re- negotiate or be desperate

Wisdom happens in moments of stillness

Patience : Allow things to unfold – its about being relaxed , being observant and being gentle about everything about the situation / context

Lessons in Patience

Trust: Believe that with the right mindset -( fueled by purpose and intention) everything will eventuate towards the best outcome – BELIEVE 🙂

Trust in steadfast goodness for now and forever

Generosity : Practice generosity of spirit in all possible ways when walking through tough times- reminding ourselves to be kind to ourselves and to those around – and showing that kindness through gentle thoughts , warm feelings, and using kind words and actions –

Snapshot of Compassion

Gratitude: Find a positive thought – even in a challenging context – and put that into words – and use it and see how the magic unfolds

Huge shout out to Jon Kabat Zinn-founder of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programme

Hope this reading has been useful and that it brings more positivity in each of your kind thoughts feelings and actions. Have a wonderful week …. will connect again hopefully soon 😊 ❤️