Insights – Integrity and wellness…..

Kia Ora my dear readers,

a picture called Perspectives

I hope you are enjoying the warm rain that brought some cool reprieve from the relentless heat

Today I am sharing my thoughts on integrity –as integrity happens to be an inherent aspect of wellness.

What is integrity

Integrity is about being  led by principles that are good for the self and for those around – it is about doing what feels right in your spirit.

The rationale for me to write on this topic is because very often, we are in conflict between choosing what our heart desires and our head dictates – we are contemplating on what we should / must do versus what we actually aspire to do and what feels right for us This conflict is bound to make us tense and sometimes this conflict can push us towards feel disconnected from our core beliefs.

Integrity is about being true to our beliefs- our values – where our feelings and actions are perfectly aligned with our thoughts.

Integrity also is about honoring the self and being true to what feels right for you. It is about being fair and being sound in the choices you make; when we follow rules of integrity we feel a sense of contentment– we feel true to ourselves – we feel brave and we feel the spirit of connection and there is a sense of seamlessness in each of our actions.

When we choose integrity as a value,

We expand the scope of our happiness

Are more purpose driven

We feel empowered

We choose actions that resonate with truth  

And Honour

We welcome plentiful  moments that resonates with

Joy Peace and Contentment

“ Peace is your home, Integrity is the way to it and everything you long for will meet you there…” Martha Beck

I have enjoyed connecting with you all through this blog ….. wishing you much joy and love