About Atomic habits

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ON A book about making habits work….By James Clear

Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement” James Clear 

Rationale on book choice

This book is evidence based – works on the principles of neuroscience and positive psychology. In the work that I do every day, I speak to clients on taking action through small steps towards making plans – how we want to see ourselves in one year, three years or 5 years. I I advocate for wellness through steps that are consistent, repetitive, easy.

By engaging in good everyday practice, we strengthen the core of our individuality identity.

This book reinforces all of the aforesaid – it is a fine piece of work for all those aspiring towards emotional wellness and resilience- Many thanks James Clear for creating this piece of work!

Healthy Habits – the trick in creating a healthy habit is about being persistent and consistent evidence suggests that even if we add 1% of input every day – for a whole year – at the end of the year we are likely to be 37times better than where we started!!!

Systemic: Getting on to a good habit and making it click is, about working on how you do things in order to get closer to your goals. Have a detailed plan on the steps you take to reach your goal – Stive to keep the steps simple and meaningful – it also has to include fun and be easy to do !!

Identity: Have a mindset of who you are – rather than what you want to achieve – for example if you intend to make a name in art – delve into the mindset “I am an artist and so I create art …. Dabble in art, explore art , learn about it and do this repeatedly every day

Behavior: Behavior change is influenced by 4 principles – in order to achieve what one aspires – the steps  have to be obvious, attractive , satisfying and easy – so if you plan to make a career as a song writer – make sure you practice, have a system where you can log in your work, play for friends family – and offer to share your skills

Patience By logging in the time – and through taking small steps learn to trust and engage in the process of doing better each day

” We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle