3 habits that add more wellness …..

Live, Love, Serve | Feb ,2024 | 6/2/2024

Greetings to you all,

Hope you are enjoying ALL of today 😊🍀

” To have made even one person`s life a little better, that is to succeed” – Henry David Thoreau

On a personal note, the year unfolded with some tricky turns that included having a visit from the covid virus and also sustaining a foot injury. Both of these have not been pleasant – however I diligently take count of the positives too – a habit that influences my thoughts and actions on a personal and professional level. One such positive is that I find joy and meaning in sharing information and knowledge that has been of use to me 🙏🌻

The inspiration for today`s writing comes from one of my favorite reads Build the life you want …. The book is founded upon science based information – I choose to share some of the snippets from this amazing book as it has relevance to the ethos of my blog – i.e. to do the things that give us more joy, more wellness and to increase feelings of safety- each day – every day☀️🙌

There are events and occurrences that happen to us  each day that impacts on our emotions. We do have positive emotions and negative emotions. Positive emotions include happiness, excitement, joy among many such others that make us feel light and buoyant. Negative emotions include sadness, anger, fear and resentment. Research indicates that negative emotions have more powerful influence on our physiology / physical wellness and psychology / mental wellness.

Building habits that add structure  and meaning to our lives gives agency towards positive emotions

The 3 habits that can improve your wellness are

Reading: Take up the habit of reading Find something to read about – it could be about an area interest to you or it could be going back to reading one of your favorite bools/ Inculcate a habit of reading for 15 minutes every day. Take up a topic that interest you – and become committed to the habit of reading – Keep a timer if need be – stick to the reading each day every day !!

Contemplative Self work: Begin the habit of reflective practice – you may use this through writing or through meditative practice. Meditative practice might be tricky for some of us – so instead begin to write your thoughts – ad do this for 15 minutes. You may write on your interests , your feelings, things that you are good at and things that you wish to improve on. Here you might also wish to include the things you are grateful for …. the writing habit will also inform you and give insights about the self . Try working on self work for 15 minutes each day – every day

Physical exercise: Incorporate exercise into your everyday living – through sport, through walking or joining gym. Do this everyday.  Exercise is the  primary form of self-regulation and brings in feelings of calm and wellbeing – Exercise calms the brain stem and it is powerful in the way it transforms our physical and emotional wellness – Begin now and aim for 15-20 min each day every day …..

Take good care –💚☀️

With much love